When considering the installation of new landscape lighting, it’s important to know how to achieve the perfect look. There’s certainly a lot more to it than simply sticking a few lights at different locations throughout the property. Utilize the following design tips and then work with the right landscaping contractor in Avon to help accomplish the desired end result.
1. Look at the Whole Property
Think about the entire property as a single, cohesive force. There are different landscaping components, from trees to bushes to flowers, as well as paths, the driveway, home architecture, gazebos, decks, patios, and more. What is the goal of the project? To illuminate a walkway, showcase a signature element, or change the entire home’s nighttime presence?
2. Consider the Inside View
Many homeowners forget to consider the way their new lighting will look from the inside of the home. It’s not just about exterior aesthetics, after all. From inside the home, the lighting should still look wonderful, while not being intrusive.
3. Down, Up, or Cross
Landscape lighting can be accomplished with downlighting: pointing lights downward from a tree or architecture; uplighting: pointing up into a tree or another feature; or crosslighting: lighting a focal point from both sides. Each accomplishes a unique look and different features may play better with certain styles.
4. Overall, Task, or Accent
In addition to the above, consider another set of three lighting styles: overall lighting, which illuminates an entire space; task lighting, which is used for a specific purpose or task, such as providing illumination on a walkway; and accent lighting, which draws aesthetic attention to an object or area.
5. Security
Is home security a concern in landscape design? In this case, security style landscape lighting can be installed above the garage, or by the back doors, most commonly. Many of these security-purposed lights end up being motion activated, which could potentially scare off unwanted visitors and/or alert those inside the home, while also conserving energy and not serving as a disruption to the home otherwise.
Beyond security, also consider home safety. Pathways, pool areas, or anywhere with a steep drop off or hidden obstacle may be well served with additional lighting and illumination.
Find the right landscape contractor in Lakewood, Strongsville, and all of West Cleveland, and put the right design in place to transform the way your house looks at night with creative and effective landscape lighting. If you have any questions or would like to get a free estimate, give us a call at 440-934-0230 or click here.